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My diary is a space to share my experience as a young person with Dyslexia, along with information from my mom who has been by my side as my advocate and #1 fan for my entire life. From a young age, I struggled in school, it got to a point where when I moved to Ontario all of a sudden we were promised great things that would help accommodate and enhance my learning experience.


High school at my former school board is where things went terribly wrong. I was denied meaningful access to education, was receiving the bare minimum in accommodations listed in my IEP, was being told that failing class grades were "Good grades for kids like me" and that my struggles in school were all my own fault, not the fault of the school failing to accommodate and remediate me. In short, I decided to leave that school board and attended The Gow School which is a private boarding school dedicated to students with learning disabilities. Before this, my second human rights case against my former school board was filed. I didn't want to leave home, my friends, and a normal teenage life behind but I was forced to in order to have a future that the school board was denying me. I graduated from The Gow School with honours, graduated from University with a B.A. in Psychology and am currently completing my Bachelor of Education degree to become an Elementary school teacher.


Currently, we are going on 6 years with the human rights case against this school board and are fighting to hold the board accountable for their discrimination and lack of action on providing meaningful education to students with Dyslexia. My goal is to tell my story and educate others on the wrongdoings of boards across the country, all while working to create a change and bring awareness to the struggles and barriers other students like me are continuing to face in public education.


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